Q: How do I check my order's status?

Upon placing your order, please allow up to 1-3 business days to have your order processed. Our fulfillment warehouse will pick and pack your goods and have it shipped as soon as possible. You will receive a shipment confirmation when your order has shipped and a tracking information within 24-48 hours of shipment, to the email address you provided at checkout. Alternatively, you may click the "My Account Icon" link at the top right-hand corner of our website to track your order's status.

Q: Why am I receiving multiple shipments for the same order?

This will occur due to the stock availability. 

Q: Care Advice

  1. Air dry the leather.
  2. Wipe wet leather dry quickly with a soft dry cloth.
  3. Regularly clean the entire bag with a clean cloth or brush.
  4. Keep it supple with conditioner every few months.
  5. Spot-test any cleaners in a hidden place before using.

If you have additional questions, please contact us through our contact form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.